Home / Inspection Instruments

Inspection Instruments

BlastOne’s extensive range of coating inspection instruments to our New Zealand customers, that are specifically designed for use in the blasting and painting industry. It is recommended that all coating inspection instruments are tested and certified annually.  BlastOne offers an Express Instrument Test Service to make this as simple and convenient as possible.  Please contact BlastOne for more details.

Climatic conditions at the time of application have a critical impact on the success of a coating system.  Air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, and “dew point” must be carefully monitored regularly or a painting project can quickly become a coating catastrophe. We offer various coating inspection devices, including scores of gauges, meters, probes, lights, detectors, and inspection kits.

& Recertification


Condition Gauges








Knowledge & Learning

Videos from the Experts

How to | Primed Insights | Safety Tips

Understanding Holiday Detectors

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How to operate a DeFelsko Surface Profile Gage

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Three In-field Test Methods Compliant With ISO Standards

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The Improved DeFelsko PosiTector Gage

THE NEW AND IMPROVED POSITECTOR GAGE DeFelsko released their latest model of the PosiTector Gage body and we'd like to highlight its newest features. It continues to feature the same award-winning probe interchangeability that set the previous model apart. This new gage is, of course, compatible with every PosiTector probe manufactured since 2012. There are 4 [...]

DeFelsko Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Probe Extension

SAVE YOUR MEASUREMENTS - SAVE YOUR BACK! INTRODUCING THE BLASTONE LONG ARM Taking DFT measurements just got easier with this rugged selfie-stick “Long Arm” extension pole from DeFelsko. The fishing rod looking pole extends your range by 4 feet (1.2 m). Easily mount the Delfesko instrument within the pole’s retracting braces… screw the probe end [...]

DeFelsko (DPML) Dew Point Meter Logger

Every painting contractor understands, that to maximise coating life and integrity, surface preparation and coating need to be applied during optimal environmental conditions. To ensure this outcome, dew point meter readings need to be taken regularly. DeFelsko has created a new device which allows contractors to automatically log the climatic surface conditions. The small DPML [...]

Measuring to the SSPC PA2 Standard

Understanding the parameters that are used to comply with PA2 are a bit complicated. On the other hand, measuring Dry Film Thickness (DFT) is pretty easy! BlastOne explains the parameters and explains how to use the Defelsko Positector 6000 DFT gauge in the above video. OVERVIEW: IN REGARDS TO THE PARAMETERS INCLUDED IN A PA2, [...]

Instrument Rental

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Contact BlastOne

Not finding the inspection instruments you want? Unfortunately our New Zealand website doesn’t show each and every part and product we stock or sell. Should you need a specific item, give us a call or drop us an email. Chances are very high that we have it and can deliver.

Customer service teams are available to answer any of your questions on our products or services. Contact us today and experience the BlastOne difference in superior equipment, superior abrasives, and superior know-how!

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