Superior know how


Mist Blaster Improved Wet Blasting


Wet blasting has been available for quite a few years.  However, although it offers so many great benefits, contractors also experience the many challenges and problems that came with  previous systems.  BlastOne has heard from so many owners and jobsite foremen over the years who no longer wet blast for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Excessive water consumption!  They simply can’t haul the supply of water needed by the current systems.
  • Water / Abrasive ratio.  There was no ability to precisely control this, which lead to wasting both water and abrasive.  This drove costs up.
  • Clean up.  Jobsite clean-up soon involved extra costs with the need for possible water containment so as not to pollute the water table with paint.
  • Sludge clean up.  Both on the jobsite and within the pot – extra time and very frustrating to the workers.
  • Big investment in equipment that now sits in storage – being unused.
  • Complicated machinery with perhaps only one worker knowing how to operate the system.


The Mist Blaster was invented to resolve these problems while still providing all the benefits of wet blasting.

Our system:

  • Is so simple, that a first day associate can run the equipment after 1 minute of instruction.  Our 3 position valve easily switches between Dry Blast, Wet Blast, and Wash Down.
  • Unlike other systems, the media within the pot stays dry.  The water is introduced outside the blast pot.
    • This eliminates any sludge drying within the pot and the subsequent need for clean-up
    • Allows for accurate metering of abrasive through common valves like the Thompson or Tera Valve.
  • Water / Abrasive ratio is controlled by both the metering valve and a water valve that lets you dial the flow down to 0.5 pints/minute.  (Average usage is 1.0 pints/minute)  For a 6 hour blasting day, the Mist Blaster will consume between 35-40 gallons of water.  Compare that to the water ring systems of the past that spewed 5-8 gallons/minute!  That’s a huge saving in water, abrasive, and clean-up.


  • For those who are concerned about having already spent up to $30,000 on wet blasting equipment which now sits in storage – there is a chance we can retrofit the Mist Blaster onto your current equipment and bring it up to Mist Blaster standards.
  • We can also retrofit many blast pots – so the current dry pot you are using may qualify to be modified with the Mist Blaster to allow you to dry blast, wet blast, and wash down.
  • Not able to invest in new equipment?  We have fantastic rental rates you can incorporate into your project costs to allow you to access the technology and benefits.


Interested in the Mist Blaster?  We’d be happy to visit your jobsite and allow your team to demo our equipment to show you just how simple and effective the Mist Blaster is.  Seeing is believing… and we think you’re going to be blown away.

Contact BlastOne for learn more!


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