Superior know how


Nova3 Blast Helmet Inner Lens Durability Tests

It’s estimated that roughly 80% of everything you’ve learned during your entire life was in some way communicated to you visually.

Damaged Blast Helmet


The above photo is of an actual blaster’s helmet that was compromised by a projectile and unfortunately resulted in the person losing their eye.

What is the price of your vision?  Priceless.  One should never cost-cut when it comes to safety and protection. We are honored to be distributors of RPB safety equipment.  In our estimation they offer Superior Equipment.

The Nova3 Respiratory Helmet is one such example, and it’s inner lens is the last line of defense between a blaster’s eyes and whatever dangerous, work-site objects may unexpectedly appear.  That is why RPB invests heavily in design and testing to provide workers optimal safety and protection.

As the innermost component of a three-layered lens system  (outermost tear-offs – outer lens – inner protective lens) the inner lens conforms to the ANSI Z87+ safety standard, which among other specs can stop a 1/4″ ball bearing from a 9″ range at over 400 miles per hour!

We decided to wreak creative havoc upon this lens to determine just how tough it truly is.  (See Above Video)

We put it through the following (unscientific) tests:

  • Punch Challenge 1
  • Punch Challenge 2
  • Nozzle Assault 1
  • Nozzle Assault 2
  • Golf Ball Challenge
  • BB Gun Challenge
  • High Powered Pellet Gun Challenge

We were amazed at how well the RPB Nova3 lens withstood these destructive challenges.  However, we would also like to point out our “testing” was neither scientific nor conclusive. We make no definitive claims that our results are truly safe and effective, so please do attempt to repeat these tests, especially with a real person wearing the helmet.  We assume no responsibility that your lenses will act as ours did.

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