Armex Soda Blasting Abrasive Supplier

Armex BiCarb SodaBlast Media

Armex is the brand name for a baking soda based sandblasting media, also known as sodium bicarbonate or bicarb. Armex falls into the family of sandblasting media known as “soft” media. The use of the word “soft” is relative. This does not mean that it is ineffectual, rather that it is less harsh on the surface on being cleaned than other alternate sandblasting media.

The original application for Armex was the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. The conservation team working to restore the statue decided that abrasive blasting was an ideal method for cleaning the copper skin, but reckoned that using sand would be too aggressive. A large manufacturer of baking soda developed this product in response to this need. Other specialist grades are available to suit such uses as blasting printing rolls, composite materials, and turbine blades.

BlastOne stocks Armex in a range of different grades. The two most common grades are Flow XL and Maintenance XL. The letters XL in the product name show it is the largest sized grains (270 µm). Flow XL has an additive in it that assists the flow of the dry media prior to mixing with water. This is a help when the ambient conditions are high in humidity or the compressor is generating a lot of moisture. Maintenance is the name for the general purpose grade. SupraKleen is an additive to help the media rinse off the surface.

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