DeFelsko® Instrument Cases


BlastOne offers all instruments and accessories from the DeFelsko range on-line, for easy ordering, access to operational manuals, and more.

Inspection instruments are an investment worth protecting and DeFelsko has a range of protective cases available, as follows:

  • The PosiTector Case.  Sturdy hardshell design designed to carry a PosiTector gage / body and multiple probes.  Space for manuals, calibration certificates, and more.  MPN: CASEINSP
  • The Pelican Standard Inspection Kit Case.  Lightweight, watertight, and crushproof, this case securely stores a PosiTector Gage and 3+ PosiTector probes with customized foam inserts.  30 x 22.5 x 13.2cm.  The MPN is CASEINSP-P.
  • The Pelican Large Inspection Kit Case.  Like the smaller Standard version above, this unit is lightweight, watertight, and crushproof but is larger to accommodate 5+ probes as well as SST Soluble Salt Tester accessories.  43.2 x 29.7 x 15.7cm.  The MPN is CASEINSPL-P.
  • The Pelican Adhesion Tester Case.  Heavy duty, waterproof construction features customized foam inserts for the PosiTest AT-A automatic tester.  46.2 x 34 x 17cm.  The MPN is CASEATAB-P.

DeFelsko® Instrument Cases


Web price i

$115.29 - $1,066.44
$100.25 - $927.34 (excludes GST)

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