PosiTector® SPG & RTR Surface Profile Standards & Shims
Surface Profile Standards and Shim Sets are used for checking and adjusting calibration on PosiTector SPG, PosiTector RTR (and other depth micrometer probe) instruments. Product details as follows:
- For the PosiTector SPG:
- Certified Standards. Typically used in calibration labs, these are available for any user who desires this level of verification. Includes serialized and traceable height standards mounted to a metal plate. Labeled in both metric and imperial units.
- Certified Shim Set. Premium option for everyday use with any depth micrometer using a fine-pointed probe (as well as the PosiTector SPG). Includes 3 shims at 50/125/500 microns (2, 5, 20 mils).
- Zero Glass Plate / Metal Shim (Non-Certified). For training and quick checks for accuracy, each new SPG unit comes with this verification set, with replacement / additional units also available for purchase here.
- For the PosiTector RTR: (both models unless otherwise noted)
- Certified Shim Set. Premium option to check Peak Height measurements for accuracy verification on the RTR series (as well as other spring micrometer replica tape readers).
- Non-Certified Shim Set (aka Precision Plastic Shim Set). Lower cost version of the above, ideal for everyday accuracy verification.
- Single Check Shim. This non-certified shim comes standard with each new RTR and is available as a replacement if desired, although it is more economical to purchase the above full set.
- Check Tape. This reusable tape is used to verify Peak Density, and is used on the RTR 3D model only.