Testex Tape for Measuring Surface Profile
The Testex tape process of measuring surface profile has been used for over 50 years. It is a simple, reliable, and repeatable way of determining surface profile parameters. DeFelsko acquired the Testex tape line and incorporated it into their range of instruments, for increased compatibility and greater convenience for inspectors.
DeFelsko is now offering updated packaging in 50-piece packs while continuing to offer the legacy roll packaging. NOTE – the profile ranges are not entirely the same between them – their respective ranges are shown under the Product Description tab.
Tape options include the following:
- Conventional Testex Press-O-Film Tape grades.
- Use with analog spring or digital micrometers or with the PosiTector RTR H probe.
- Optical Grade Testex Press-O-Film Tape Grades
- Use with PosiTector RTR 3D probe. Provides surface data files (.sdf) that allow both 2D and 3D measurements.