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Surface Profile Gauge Versus Testex Tape


Here’s the question for today. “Why would we use a Surface Profile Gauge versus Testex Tape?”

It can be puzzling because we believe with Testex Tape, we’ll not only get an accurate reading, but also a permanent reading we can keep if we later need proof of the profile.    And that is absolutely true.  But that’s also now the case with a surface profile gauge.

Let’s start with accuracy.  The new DeFelsko gauge processes what is called a smart batch – which conforms to the SSPC-PA 17 requirement for the number of measurements that may be taken to qualify an area. The smart batch gives you a maximum of 10 readings.

You can see in the lower animated gif, the Gauge will take 10 readings and from that batch, it will choose the appropriate profile for that batch.  This is exactly how Testex Tape works. The Testex Tape uses the highest peak and the lowest valley to determine the profile.

Surface Profile Gage Animated GIF

Maybe in the past you tested one of these gauges, and when you took one reading, it didn’t match the Testex Tape because as you can see in the animation, the needle may have been resting on a peak, versus down in the deepest valley.

The new gauge’s smart batch method means you can quickly and easily take profile readings as accurate as Testex Tape – AND… instead of saving that piece of tape in your records for later proof of profile, you can store all the gauge’s readings in the cloud, which is far easier and simple to find than to find that piece of Tape.

One last benefit of the gauge, is that it eliminates potential errors inherent in taking a tape reading including pressing into the tape the wrong way or without the proper tool.

With companies like DeFelsko, our industry keeps getting easier and easier!


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